1st Issue Special (1975)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1976)
80 Page Giant (1964)
Action Comics (1938)
Adventure Comics (1938)
Adventure Into Fear (1972)
Adventures Into The Unknown (1948)
The Adventures of Bob Hope (1950)
The Adventures of Jerry Lewis (1957)
The Adventures of Superman (1987)
Air War Stories (1964)
Akira (1988)
ALF (1988)
Aliens (1988)
Aliens (1989)
Aliens vs. Predator (1990)
Aliens: Earth War (1990)
All New House of Yang (1975)
All Star Comics (1940)
All-American Men of War (1952)
All-Out War (1979)
All-Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder (2005)
All-Star Western (1970)
Alpha Flight (1983)
Amazing Adventures (1979)
The Amazing Spider-Man (1963)
American Flagg! (1983)
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld (1983)
Animal Man (1988)
Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat (1990)
Anthro (1968)
Anything Goes! (1986)
Aquaman (1962)
Aquaman (1986)
Aquaman (1991)
Aquaman (1994)
Archer & Armstrong (1992)
Archie Comics (1942)
Archie Giant Series Magazine (1954)
Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica (1950)
Archie's Pal Jughead Comics (1993)
Arkham Asylum (1989)
Armorines (1994)
Army War Heroes (1963)
Astonishing (1951)
Astonishing Tales (1970)
The Atom (1962)
Attack (1962)
The Avengers (1963)
Barbie (1991)
Barbie Fashion (1991)
Batgirl Special (1988)
Batman (1940)
Batman and Robin (2009)
Batman and the Outsiders (1983)
The Batman Family (1975)
Batman Movie Special (1989)
Batman: Full Circle (1991)
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (1989)
Batman: Holy Terror (1991)
Batman: Jekyll & Hyde (2005)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989)
Batman: Manbat (1995)
Batman: Seduction of the Gun (1993)
Batman: Sword of Azrael (1992)
Batman: The Killing Joke (1988)
Battle (1951)
Battlefront (1952)
The Beagle Boys (1964)
Beetle Bailey (1956)
Beneath The Planet Of The Apes (1970)
Beowulf (1975)
Beware The Creeper (1968)
Beyond the Grave (1975)
Billy The Kid (1957)
Black Goliath (1976)
Black Kiss (1988)
Black Lightning (1977)
Black Magic (1973)
Black Orchid (1988)
Black Panther (1977)
Black Panther: Panther's Prey (1991)
Blackhawk (1944)
Blackhawk (1957)
Blazing Battle Tales (1975)
Blitzkrieg (1976)
Blondie Comics (1947)
Bloodshot (1993)
Blue Beetle (1964)
Bomba, The Jungle Boy (1967)
Bonanza (1962)
Boris Karloff: Tales of Mystery (1962)
The Brave and the Bold (1955)
Brother Power the Geek (1968)
Brothers of the Spear (1972)
The Brute (1975)
Buck Rogers In The 25th Century (1964)
Buffalo Bill Jr. (1965)
Cable (1993)
Cage (1992)
Camelot 3000 (1982)
Capt. Storm (1964)
Captain America (1968)
Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs (1990)
Captain America Special Edition (1984)
Captain America: The Movie Special (1992)
Captain Atom (1965)
Captain Canuck (1975)
Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! (1982)
Captain Confederacy (1986)
Captain Marvel (1968)
Captain Nice (1967)
Captain Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders (1968)
Casper The Friendly Ghost (1952)
The Cat (1972)
Catwoman (1989)
Catwoman: When in Rome (2004)
Cerebus The Aardvark (1977)
Challengers of the Unknown (1958)
Chamber of Darkness (1969)
The Chaos Effect (1994)
Charlton Premiere (1967)
Chili (1969)
Chili Annual (1971)
Chilling Adventures in Sorcery (1972)
The Chroma-Tick (1992)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures (1994)
Classic X-Men (1986)
Classics Illustrated (1941)
Classics Illustrated Junior (1953)
Claw The Unconquered (1975)
Clive Barker's Hellraiser (1989)
Cloak and Dagger (1983)
The Close Shaves of Pauline Peril (1970)
Combat (1961)
Combat Casey (1953)
Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen (1972)
Conan The Barbarian (1970)
Conan The Barbarian: Movie Special (1982)
Conan The Destroyer (1985)
Conan The King (1984)
The Cougar (1975)
Coyote (1983)
Creatures On The Loose! (1971)
Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985)
The Crow (1989)
Cyberforce (1992)
Dagar The Invincible (1972)
Daredevil (1964)
Daredevil: The Man Without Fear (1993)
The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl (1982)
Dark Horse Presents (1986)
Dark Horse Presents: Aliens (1992)
The Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love (1971)
Dark Mysteries (1951)
Dark Shadows (1969)
Darker Image (1993)
Darkhawk (1991)
Davy Crockett: King Of The Wild Frontier (1963)
Dazzler (1981)
DC 100 Page Super Spectacular (1971)
DC Comics Presents (1978)
DC Special (1968)
DC Special Series (1977)
Deadshot (1988)
Death's Head II (1992)
Death: The High Cost of Living (1993)
Deathlok (1990)
Deathmate (1993)
Deathstroke: The Terminator (1991)
The Defenders (1972)
The Demon (1972)
Dennis The Menace: Bonus Magazine Series (1970)
Destroyer Duck (1982)
The Destructor (1975)
Detective Comics (1937)
Dino (1973)
Doc Savage (1966)
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (1972)
Doctor Solar: Man Of The Atom (1962)
Doctor Strange (1974)
Doctor Strange / Ghost Rider Special (1991) #1
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme (1988)
Doom Patrol (1987)
Doomsday +1 (1975)
Doorway To Nightmare (1978)
Drag N' Wheels (1968)
Dreadstar (1982)
E-Man (1973)
Elektra: Assassin (1986)
Elementals (1984)
Elflord Vol. 1 (1986)
Eternal Warrior (1992)
Excalibur (1988)
Excalibur Special Edition (1987)
Excalibur: Air Apparent (1991)
Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem (1989)
The Falcon (1983)
Fallen Angels (1987)
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America (2007)
Fantastic Four (1961)
Fantastic Four Roast (1982)
Fantastic Four Versus The X-Men (1987)
Fantasy Masterpieces (1979)
Fatman: The Human Flying Saucer (1967)
Fear Itself (2011)
Fightin' Air Force (1951)
Fightin' Army (1956)
Fightin' Marines (1955)
Firestorm (1978)
The Fish Police (1985)
Flaming Carrot Comics (1984)
The Flash (1959)
The Flash (1987)
Flash Gordon (1966)
Flash Gordon (1969)
Flash Gordon (1978)
The Flintstones (1961)
Fly Man (1965)
Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion (1972)
Forbidden Worlds (1951)
Four Color Comics (1942)
Four-Star Battle Tales (1973)
Frankenstein (1964)
Frankenstein Alive, Alive! (2012)
Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe (1989)
Friday Foster (1972)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2005)
The Frogmen (1962)
From Beyond the Unknown (1969)
Fugitoid (1985)
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones (1983)
The Fury of Firestorm (1982)
G-I in Battle (1952)
G.I. Combat (1957)
G.I. Joe and The Transformers (1986)
G.I. Joe Yearbook (1985)
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (1982)
G.I. Joe: Order of Battle (1986)
G.I. War Tales (1973)
Gambit (1993)
Gen 13 (1994)
Gene Autry Comics (1946)
Geomancer (1994)
Ghost Manor (1971)
Ghost Rider (1967)
Ghost Rider (1973)
Ghost Rider (1990)
Ghost Rider / Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance (1992)
Ghostly Haunts (1971)
Ghostly Tales (1966)
Ghosts (1971)
Giant-Size Captain America (1975)
Giant-Size Daredevil (1975)
Giant-Size Doc Savage (1975)
Giant-Size Kid Colt (1975)
Giant-Size Power Man (1975)
Give Me Liberty (1990)
Gizmo (1986)
Gobbledygook (1986)
Godzilla (1988)
Green Arrow (1983)
Green Arrow (1988)
Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters (1987)
The Green Hornet (1966)
The Green Hornet (1989)
Green Lantern (1960)
Green Lantern (1990)
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn (1989)
Green-Grey Sponge-Suit Sushi Turtles (1990)
Grendel: War Child (1992)
The Griffin (1991)
The Grim Ghost (1975)
Grimjack (1984)
Groo The Wanderer (1982)
Groo The Wanderer (1985)
Guardians of the Galaxy (1990)
The Gunfighters (1966)
Gunsmoke Western (1955)
Guy Gardner (1992)
H.A.R.D. Corps (1992)
Hanna-Barbera Fun-In (1970)
Harbinger (1992)
Hardcase (1993)
Harvey Hits (1957)
Haunted (1971)
Hawk & Dove (1989)
Hawk and Dove (1988)
The Hawk and the Dove (1968)
Hawkeye (1983)
Hawkman (1964)
Herbie (1964)
Hercules (1967)
Hercules: Prince of Power (1982)
Hero Illustrated (1993)
The History of the DC Universe (1986)
Hopalong Cassidy (1943)
Hot Rods and Racing Cars (1951)
House of Mystery (1951)
House of Secrets (1956)
Howard The Duck (1976)
The Human Fly (1977)
The Human Torch (1974)
The Incredible Hulk (1968)
The Incredible Hulk and Wolverine (1986)
The Incredible Hulk Versus Quasimodo (1983)
Infestation 2 (2012)
The Infinity Gauntlet (1991)
Infinity Inc. (1984)
The Infinity War (1992)
The Invaders (1975)
The Invincible Iron Man (1968)
Iron Jaw (1975)
Jack Kirby's Secret City Saga (1993)
Jigsaw (1966)
John F. Kennedy (1964)
Jon Sable: Freelance (1983)
Jonah Hex (1977)
Journey Into Mystery (1972)
JSA (1999)
Judge Colt (1969)
Judomaster (1966)
Jules Verne's Mysterious Isle (1963)
Justice League (1987)
Justice League (2016)
Justice League America (1989)
Justice League Europe (1989)
Justice League International (1987)
Justice League International (1993)
Justice League of America (1960)
Justice Machine Annual (1983)
Justice, Inc. (1975)
Ka-Zar (1974)
Kamandi: The Last Boy On Earth (1972)
Katy Keene Special (1983)
Kid Colt Outlaw (1948)
Kid Montana (1957)
Kid Slade, Gunfighter (1957)
King Conan (1980)
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine (1984)
Kona (1962)
Konga's Revenge (1962)
Korak: Son of Tarzan (1964)
Korg: 70,000 B.C. (1975)
The Kree-Skrull War Starring the Avengers (1983)
L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989)
Land of the Giants (1968)
Legend of Aquaman Special (1989)
The Legend of Wonder Woman (1986)
Legends (1986)
Legion of Super-Heroes (1973)
Legion of Super-Heroes (1984)
Leonardo: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (1986)
The Lethal Foes of Spider-Man (1993)
Li'l Genius (1954)
Li'l Kids (1970)
Life With Archie (2010)
Little Audrey and Melvin (1962)
Little Shop of Horrors (1987)
Lobo (1990)
The Lone Ranger (1948)
The Lone Ranger (1964)
The Lone Ranger's Companion Tonto (1951)
The Lone Ranger's Famous Horse Hi-Yo Silver (1952)
Longshot (1985)
Looney Tunes (1955)
Lovers (1949)
Luke Cage: Power Man (1974)
M.A.R.S. Patrol Total War (1966)
Madhouse Comics (1974)
Mage: The Hero Discovered (1984)
Magik (1983)
Magnus: Robot Fighter (1991)
Magnus: Robot Fighter 4000 AD (1963)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1965)
The Man of Steel (1986)
Man-Thing (1974)
Mandrake the Magician (1966)
The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves (1967)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989)
Marine War Heroes (1964)
Marines In Battle (1954)
Mark Hazzard: Merc (1986)
Marvel Action Hour: Iron Man (1994)
Marvel Action Universe (1989)
Marvel Adventure Featuring Daredevil (1975)
Marvel and DC Present: The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans (1982)
Marvel Comics Presents (1988)
Marvel Double Feature (1973)
Marvel Feature (1971)
Marvel Feature (1975)
Marvel Graphic Novel (1982)
Marvel Milestone Edition: The Incredible Hulk (1991)
Marvel Premiere (1972)
Marvel Preview (1975)
The Marvel Saga (1985)
Marvel Spotlight (1971)
Marvel Super Action (1977)
Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions (1982)
Marvel Super-Heroes (1967)
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990)
Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars (1984)
Marvel Tales (1949)
Marvel Team-Up (1972)
Marvel Triple Action (1972)
Marvel Two-In-One (1974)
Marvel's Greatest Comics (1969)
Master of Kung Fu (1974)
Matt Slade, Gunfighter (1956)
The Maxx (1993)
Men Of War (1977)
Metal Men (1963)
Metamorpho (1965)
Michaelangelo: Christmas Special (1990)
Midnight Tales (1972)
The Mighty Avengers (2007)
The Mighty Marvel Western (1968)
Mighty Mouse (1987)
Mighty Samson (1964)
The Mighty Thor (1966)
Millie The Model (1945)
Millie The Model Annual (1962)
Miracleman (1985)
Mission: Impossible (1967)
Mister Miracle (1971)
Mister X (1984)
Mod Wheels (1971)
Modeling With Millie (1963)
Monster Hunters (1975)
The Monster of Frankenstein (1973)
Moon Knight (1980)
Morlock 2001 (1975)
Mr. Monster (1985)
Ms. Marvel (1977)
The Munsters (1966)
My Love (1969)
My Only Love (1975)
Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds (1956)
Navy Action (1954)
Naza: Stone Age Warrior (1964)
Neutro (1967)
The New Avengers (2005)
New Gods (1971)
The New Mutants (1983)
The New Mutants Special Edition (1985)
New Talent Showcase (1984)
The New Teen Titans (1980)
The New Teen Titans (1984)
The New Titans (1988)
The New Warriors (1990)
Next Men (1992)
Nick Fury and His Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1973)
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1968)
Nightcrawler (1985)
Nightstalkers (1992)
Ninjak (1994)
Not Brand Echh (1967)
Nova (1976)
Nukla (1965)
Obnoxio The Clown (1983)
The Occult Files of Doctor Spektor (1973)
The Official Handbook of the Conan Universe (1986)
OMAC (1974)
OMAC: One Man Army Corps (1991)
Omaha The Cat Dancer (1986)
The Omega Men (1983)
Our Army at War (1952)
Our Fighting Forces (1954)
Our Love Story (1969)
The Outer Limits (1964)
Outer Space (1968)
The Outlaw Kid (1954)
The Outlaw Kid (1970)
Pacific Presents (1982)
Patsy and Hedy (1952)
Patsy Walker (1945)
Peanuts (1953)
Pep Comics (1940)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976)
Peter The Little Pest (1969
The Phantom Blot (1964)
The Phantom Stranger (1969)
Phoenix (1975)
Phoenix: The Untold Story (1984)
Plastic Man (1966)
Plastic Man (1988)
Plop! (1973)
Police Action (1975)
Popeye The Sailor (1962)
Power Man and Iron Fist (1978)
Predator (1989)
Predator Versus Magnus: Robot Fighter (1992)
Prime Slime Tales (1986)
The Prisoner (1988)
The Punisher (1986)
The Punisher (1987)
The Punisher War Journal (1988)
Quasar (1989)
Rai (1992)
Rai and the Future Force (1993)
Raphael: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1985)
The Rat Patrol (1967)
Rawhide Kid (1955)
Red Sonja (1982)
Red Sonja (1983)
Red Wolf (1972)
Return Of The New Gods (1977)
Richie Rich: Zillionz (1976)
Rima The Jungle Girl (1974)
Rin Tin Tin (1952)
Ringo Kid (1954)
Riot Gear (1993)
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! (1967)
Robin (1991)
Robin (1993)
Robotech: The Macross Saga (1984)
Rock N' Roll Comics (1989)
The Rocketeer Adventure Magazine (1988)
ROM: Spaceknight (1979)
Ronin (1983)
Sabretooth (1993)
Sad Sack (1949)
Sad Sack's Army Life Parade (1963)
Sad Sack's Funny Friends (1955)
Sad Sack: Laugh Special (1958)
The Saga of Crystar: Crystal Warrior (1983)
The Saga of The Swamp Thing (1982)
Samurai (1986)
The Sandman (1989)